Does anyone hear speak English AND French?
Truth hurts
2007-07-07 10:33:15 UTC
If you do, how was the Harry Potter movie? I heard it premiered over there today....
Sept réponses:
2007-07-08 00:06:29 UTC
it's coming this friday and i speak 10 langues
2007-07-07 17:44:01 UTC
Does anyone HERE speak english and french!
2007-07-07 17:45:01 UTC
Oui. Mais je n'ai pas vu le film.
Papriкa ♔
2007-07-07 21:23:58 UTC
I do and I just saw in your blog you're a sister we need to chat. I don't like harry Potter sorry.
2007-07-07 17:55:54 UTC
je ne sais pas je ne suis pas encore allée le voir
2007-07-07 17:52:26 UTC
yes of course, but i'm sorry i didn't see it, wish i could soon.

.have a nice evening HERE! bye
2007-07-07 17:47:53 UTC
no , the first was wenesday , here on Belgium

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